Pro Bono Projects: A One-Size Approach Does Not Fit All

Providing pro bono legal services is a key focus for Gadens and is a prominent pillar in our business strategy. As a firm, we aim to do the right thing and make an impact, and our strategies are focused on ensuring that we are taking positions on matters of social significance and are providing access to justice to those in need. Our extensive pro bono program focuses on providing advice, representation and assistance to people who would otherwise be without, as well as making legal education, research and law reform accessible within the community.
“Being adaptive and responsive are crucial aspects of our program, giving us the flexibility to work with our pro bono clients and organisations in a number of different ways, ranging from running legal clinics, accepting referral matters, providing training and upskilling sessions to our partners and assisting with publications and research tasks.”
Cassandra Krylov is a Senior Advisor in the Sustainability and Social Impact team at Gadens. Cassandra has a passion for social justice and ensuring that all those in need can access quality legal services. Building relationships and partnerships with community legal centres is a key focus of Cassandra’s role, and she has established a number of Gadens’ pro bono partnerships, including some of those referred to above.
Cassandra spends the remainder of her time working on various pro bono projects with our community legal centre partners, including how we can expand our relationship to assist as many individuals and organisations that we can as a firm. Cassandra also runs Gadens’ corporate volunteering program, and is responsible for assisting with various community fundraising, reconciliation and sustainability initiatives.