Pro bono news around the world

A regular feed of pro bono stories in the media and updates from across the global pro bono sector.

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Pro bono legal service launched in Calgary for Indigenous people facing criminal charges

A new Calgary organisation aimed at addressing the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the legal system has been launched. The Indigenous Justice Centre aims to increase access to justice and decrease recidivism. 

The rise of ‘sophisticated’, ‘dedicated’ and ‘formalised’ pro bono practices

As the amount of pro bono work undertaken by the legal profession increases, more firms are establishing “increasingly formalised” pro bono practices within a competitive yet collaborative landscape, striving to meet client expectations and attract socially minded talent. 

Decongesting Nigeria’s Prisons: All-Female Lawyers Take the Lead

Nyeche Uche, aged 60, was arrested for stealing. He spent 13 years and eight months in prison while awaiting trial. A pro bono lawyer secured his release.

Pro bono commitment from NSW solicitors ticks up: report

Pro bono commitment from NSW solicitors has been ticking up, according to the recently released 2023 Annual Profile of Solicitors NSW. Solicitors reported providing nearly 52,000 hours of pro bono services in the 2023 financial year 

Law firm levy proposed to address Legal Aid funding crisis

National Legal Aid has released a new paper which proposes a law firm levy as a potential solution to the “chronic underfunding” that is placing severe pressure on Legal Aid Commissions across Australia. 

ACU’s unique pro bono placement program wins Uniservitate Award

Australian Catholic University’s Thomas More Law School has received global recognition of its distinctive pro bono placement program by winning first prize in the Uniservitate Award. As part of the program, all ACU law undergraduate students are required to undertake 80 hours of pro bono placements in law firms or with leading barristers, community legal centres, NGOs, government departments or social justice agencies. 

From a small container at a Hougang temple, this lawyer and her team bring legal access to the vulnerable

Long-time volunteer with Pro Bono SG, Cai Chengying, knows that the charity’s main office in the State Courts can be inaccessible and intimidating for some clients. So, as the organisation’s new Head of Strategy and Impact Evaluation, she plans to build more community law centres in the heartlands to improve access to justice for all. 

Clayton Utz lends a hand to Children's Cancer Institute on lease agreement

Clayton Utz has assisted the Children's Cancer Institute on a pro bono basis to negotiate and enter into a lease agreement. The agreement involves the establishment of a first-of-its-kind children cancer care facility.  

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